Problem with GitLab JIRA integration

GitLab CE version 7.14.1
JIRA version 6.2
I have read in GitLab documentation ( that says “The currently supported JIRA versions are v6.x and v7.x. and GitLab 7.8 or higher is required.”. So the versions of JIRA and GitLab are OK.

I am trying to configure GitLab according to the doc ( but I don’t see fields “Api url”, “Username”, “Password” and “Jira issue transition” on the page on the project’s Settings > Services > JIRA.

I know that GitLab CE supports “Mention JIRA tickets from GitLab”, “Reference JIRA issues with GitLab commits, merge request and issues” and “Close JIRA issues with GitLab commits” functionalities (

What is the problem? Why I don’t have possibility to configure the integration GitLab and Jira?

Hmm, possibly they were introduced in later GitLab versions. What makes you stuck in 7.14?

@dblessing do you have any idea about this?

Yes, that was the problem. I have updated to the latest version and I could configure it. But doesn’t work - I have got “500-Whoops, something went wrong on our end. -Try refreshing the page, or going back and attempting the action again.Please contact your GitLab administrator if this problem persists.” error. All links work correctly…

Can you share a screenshot of your configuration, please?

Any ideas?

Please set Project URL according to the instructions and the screenshot at It should have jql=project=FXTRADER format instead of the format you specify.

Check in the logs for error messages. You should see something output in production.log when the 500 error occurs. For Omnibus installations that’s /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/production.log.