Question: URL for checksum of ci artifact?

Problem to solve

Find a specific job’s artifact checksum to validate it’s integrity.

  • :page_facing_up: for example, this provides a web page for a given artifact:<group>/<project>/-/jobs/<ci_gitlab_job>/artifacts/file/<path>/<file>
  • :open_file_folder: and this provides the raw directly downloadable URL (sed -e 's/file/raw/')<group>/<project>/-/jobs/<ci_gitlab_job>/artifacts/raw/<path>/<file>
  • :question: checksum url ?
    I couldn’t find an URL that would give access to the corresponding checksum (that, if I am correct, seems to exist internally since it’s used for the geo duplication tool…)


(any CI that produces an artifact)


I hope it does exist already :slight_smile:

This would be very helpful to validate the deployment of a specific binary generated by the CI :slight_smile:

=> expose artifacts checksum (on the web) (#498317) · Issues · / GitLab · GitLab