Readme file not created automatically


I encounter an issue with the creation of the readme file when I create a project.
I’ve got a self hosted gitlab (12.9.2). There’s a groupe named DevTeam, with a few developper’s accounts inside this group + me.
If I connect with an account with developper privileges (that belongs to the DevTeam) and I create a new project, I’m facing two different results :

  • If I create a project outside the DevTeam group and I select " Initialize repository with a README", then the creation is successful and there is a readme file created.
  • If I create a project in the DevTeam group and I select " Initialize repository with a README", then the project is created but without readme file and it prints a long list of commands that I should type myself, which is not the expected result.

What should I do to permit the initialization of the repository with a readme file when I create a project inside a group ?

Thank you.