Recommended docker image for C# Library & Web builds?

I’m super new to GitLab and CI - like I just bought a license to set this stuff up - most is now ready, and now I need to build stuff, so:

I’m running GitLab 14.6.3-ee in a self hosted Linux VM (Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS [GNU/Linux 5.11.0-1027-azure x86_64] in Azure.

I need to build C# .Net Framework 4.8 Libraries and a web application

I know this can be achieved with a docker runner image called in a pipeline, configured in yaml.

I need to have a Windows 10 or 11 docker image with Visual Studio 2022 and .Net Framework 4.8.

Should I build my own image, or is there a good image out there recommended by GitLab for this?
I’ve seen images like cookiesan/visualstudio-dotnet48 and I could use that as a base, but is that the best path to take?

What I’m looking for as an answer is the correct path to start on. I can figure things out along the way, but if anyone has CI/CD experience with GitLab building C# .Net Framework apps, I’m all ears to start on the right foot. Even if there are other posts here to send me links from, I’ll accept anything.

I appreciate any guidance here!