Remote: GitLab: Failed to authorize your Git request: internal API unreachable

I’m getting this error on git push (free account at It sounds like a temporary internal error, but is anyone else experiencing this?


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Hey @gtorok, our apologies for the issue. This is currently under investigation by our production team. Check out the following links for more details.

Great to see it is being investigated :grinning:

I’ve been trying work arounds all morning: SSH, HTTP via the CLI didnt work. Tried doing my work on using the Website ( directly but it still fails.

I just want to add that I am having the same issue.

Looks like the issue is on the status page now:

That’s good news and thank you for the update. I’m glad I am not the only having this issue.


Seems to be solved for me now. Thank you GitLab support team :]

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it works now! :slight_smile: