Request Entity Too Large

I encounter this error in my CI job.

Uploading artifacts...
542images/: found 3 matching files and directories    
543ERROR: Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... too large archive  id=184045 responseStatus=413 Request Entity Too Large status=413 token=gtL-U9jg
544FATAL: too large

I tried to set this parameter to 0, for unlimited uploads, but it still fails.
Maximum import size (MB)

I then looked at the gitlab runner and found the folder I was trying to upload

ll ./volumes/runner-e254c665-project-60-concurrent-0-cache-c33bcaa1fd2c77edfc3893b41966cea8/_data/awc500platform/oe-lite/images
total 209452
drwxr-xr-x  2 deif deif      4096 Nov 10 14:05 ./
drwxrwxrwx 12 root root      4096 Nov 10 14:07 ../
-rw-r--r--  1 deif deif    283556 Nov 10 14:01 DEIF-AWC-500-PCM51-bootloader_v3.0.5.1-40-ge3eee83+20211110123806.bin
-rw-rw-r--  1 deif deif    296960 Nov 10 14:01 DEIF-AWC-500-PCM51-bootloader_v3.0.5.1-40-ge3eee83+20211110123806.dupdate
-rw-r--r--  1 deif deif   5478580 Nov 10 14:00 DEIF-AWC-500-PCM51-kernel_v3.0.5.1-40-ge3eee83+20211110123806.bin
-rw-r--r--  1 deif deif      9524 Nov 10 14:00 DEIF-AWC-500-PCM51-kernel_v3.0.5.1-40-ge3eee83+20211110123806.dtb
-rw-rw-r--  1 deif deif     10240 Nov 10 14:01 DEIF-AWC-500-PCM51-nandformat_v3.0.5.1-40-ge3eee83+20211110123806.dupdate
-rw-rw-r--  1 deif deif  22999040 Nov 10 14:01 DEIF-AWC-500-PCM51-OS_v3.0.5.1-40-ge3eee83+20211110123806.dupdate
-rw-rw-r--  1 deif deif  54744929 Nov 10 14:04 DEIF-AWC-500-PCM51-SDK-Linux_v3.0.5.1-40-ge3eee83+20211110130152.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r--  1 deif deif 130622028 Nov 10 14:05
# du -sm ./volumes/runner-dae0992a-project-60-concurrent-0-cache-c33bcaa1fd2c77edfc3893b41966cea8/_data
218	./volumes/runner-dae0992a-project-60-concurrent-0-cache-c33bcaa1fd2c77edfc3893b41966cea8/_data

Nothing that is larger than unlimited.

We run our own server:
GitLab Community Edition 14.1.3

Any hints to what may be causing this error is appreciated.


Wrong variable i changed. :frowning: It should be this one instead:

Maximum artifacts size (MB)