We’re long time gitlab.com users, with our CI/CD pipelines on gitlab, with private runners.
In the last 48 hours, our builds have been failing with:
e[31;1mERROR: Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... too large archivee[0;m e[31;1mide[0;m=2141659884 e[31;1mresponseStatuse[0;m=413 Request Entity Too Large e[31;1mstatuse[0;m=413 e[31;1mtokene[0;m=
e[31;1mFATAL: too large e[0;m
Looking at our quotas for the project, it seems we have been uploading huge artefacts in the past - it seems there’s nearly 400GB of artefacts.
I’ve refined our build script to only upload what we actually need - although that is still circa 1GB per build.
Most of the artefacts we’ve stored aren’t needed. How do I free up space?
- Based on this stackoverflow post and this documentation link I’ve completed a
DELETE /projects/:id/artifacts
request, which returned a 202 : Accepted.
- Based on this stackoverflow post and this documentation link I’ve completed a
What is the maximum size for artefacts? We’ve been running this build for a long time without issue. Has the size changed recently? Or have we exceeded a quota? (ie., why is this failing now?)
Are there options for us to use our own storage for build artefacts, and therefore manage size limits ourselves?
Thanks for assistance on this one.