See all open Merge Requests of all shared projects at the team group view

Hi there,

our team is developing on multiple services for different projects and therefore we use multiple repositories.
The repositories are already grouped by projects and sub projects and should not be regrouped.

When a developer is creating a merge request, the merge request can be seen at the repository view.
And it can be seen at the project or sub project view. But in the project view, there are also some merge requests for services from other teams.

So I created a team group and shared the repositories we are working on with this group.
I had expected that I could see all open Merge Requests of all shared projects at the team group view.
But there are none.

What I can see at the team group view are the activities for all shared projects.
So there is listed “opened merge request !30” and “closed merge request !30”.
And I can also see all merge events. “accepted merge request !30”

Is it possible to see all open merge requests of all the repositories we are working on in one view?