Setting log level

HI again,

I have a rather new installation of latest gitlab CE. The installation seems to log in debug mode, and I can’t turn it off. I have changed the configuration to log “INFO”:

registry['log_level'] = "info")
gitlab_shell['log_level'] = 'INFO'

and run reconfigure, but still gitlab spams to the logs messages like:

==> /var/log/gitlab/postgres-exporter/current <==
2022-05-30_07:37:34.13939 ts=2022-05-30T07:37:34.139Z caller=log.go:168 level=debug
msg="Querying PostgreSQL version" server=/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql:5432
2022-05-30_07:37:34.13957 ts=2022-05-30T07:37:34.139Z caller=log.go:168 level=debug
msg="Querying pg_setting view" server=/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql:5432
2022-05-30_07:37:34.14156 ts=2022-05-30T07:37:34.141Z caller=log.go:168 level=debug
msg="Querying namespace" namespace=pg_stat_database

And much more. I can’t figure out where to stop this. Could someone plz give me some guidence?