SSH private keys in an environment variable

I’m trying to follow the guide for setting up ssh keys in docker but I’m getting the error:

Validation failed

Variables value is invalid

when copying over the private key.


I’m seeing the same failure, and it completely blocks me from setting up CI!

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Same issue here. Our CI is broken because of that. Is there another method to register an ssh key as a variable?

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@dangirsh @dennis seems like the solution is to encode / decode base64


For me, any variable entered in CI / CD Settings > Variables gives the failure:

Validation failed

Variables value is invalid

However, if I disable the “Masked” toggle, it goes through.

It seems that my issue is not specific to the name being SSH_PRIVATE_KEY or the contents of the variable.

Ah, seems like private SSH keys don’t meet the requirements for masked variables:

I’m pretty sure this worked in the past…

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How can I do this?

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Agreed, why cannot we hide a private SSH key ? :confused:

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Ya whats up with this? There a numerous tutorials out there using masked variables to store private keys… is there a preferred way to deploy via SSH? Why can’t we make the variables private?

I have this set on a couple of repos.
Just today tried to set up the automatic deployment for a new project and it doesn’t work.

i solve this by encoding private key to base64, and in my yml file i add this

- echo "$PRIVATE_KEY" | base64 --decode > /root/.ssh/id_rsa

but it’s not masked :frowning: