Testing app integration with Gitlab itself using Playwright [access denied for robots, but I need robot]

Hi people,

We have an app which we integrate with Gitlab itself, using oAuth ( this type of aplication visible here: https://gitlab.com/-/user_settings/applications )

So we want to test authorize and revoke flow, using integration test (browser driven by playwright). But we can’t because:

I tought I can at least use API to revoke app, but Applications API | GitLab seems to be for enterprise only
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: *******" "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/applications" will return 403

Oopsie. So now we are left with no other option. I searched docs and forum and didn’t find answers:

  • does Gitlab has some partner program for developers of external apps which integrate with Gitlab?
  • does Gitlab provide some test instances which can be accessed in automatic way?
  • are there any other guidelines how we can make it work, or this is strictly forbidden on free tier plan, and I’m violating some EULA?

Any more info / light will be highly appreciated.

Best Regard,

According to the applications API:

it is available in the free offering. So that is not what is limiting you, but rather:

Which means, if you have your own Gitlab installation on your own server, and the user you are authenticating with (private token) is an administrator, then you can use the Application API.

On gitlab.com nobody will be administrators, other than Gitlab Staff, so that is most likely your limit if you are attempting to do this on gitlab.com. You won’t obtain admin access either, even for test/development purposes. I expect if you were to install Gitlab on your own server, that it would work fine. Which is really your only solution, to run your own private Gitlab instance that you can be an administrator of. Or you could pay for Gitlab Dedicated which would mean hosted servers with Gitlab that you have admin access to.