This Month in Community 💐 April 2022

Happy April :sparkles:

It’s been an exciting month as I’m gearing up to attend some events and looking forward to meeting some community members! I thought I’d share some updates and cool stuff the team is working on :tada:

:pushpin: April is all about Frontend. As a part of our new initiative to run contribution-themed months, we’ll be learning and working on the frontend. You can check out contribution opportunities, join us at office hours, or hop in the Gitter to say hi!

:snake: Part 3 of @PjMetz 's Learn Python with Pj! series is up. Learn about function, strings, and how to use them in a cool example :jack_o_lantern:!

:calendar: @ItsMissMie and I are hosting Office Hours with the Developer Evangelism team :sparkles: bimonthly. You can RSVP on Meetup and join us on the zoom to ask questions, share ideas, or have discussions!

:computer: Our next GitLab Hackathon will begin on the 2nd of May at 12:00 UTC and finish on the 6th of May at 12:00 UTC. It’s open to anyone who is interested in contributing code, documentation, translations, UX designs, and more to GitLab - and we’re looking forward to seeing you there!

:checkered_flag: At this week’s Everyone Can Contribute cafe, @solidnerd dived into the new and shiny - a portable CI/CD dev kit that everyone is talking about. I heard it was awesome and you can check out the recording! if you’re interested!

:star: Now it’s your turn!

:memo: what’s something you’ve been learning or working on this month?
:medal_sports: share a recent win or celebration from you or your team!

Tell us in the community post for April :speech_balloon: