Token scopes for GraphQL mutation commitCreate

Problem to solve

I want to automate the upload of a file into a Gitlab repository using the GraphQL API - more specifically the commitCreate mutation (GraphQL API resources | GitLab).

The request payload looks like this:

mutation($projectPath: ID!, $branch: String!, $message: String!, $actions: [CommitAction!]!) {
      commitCreate(input: {
            projectPath: $projectPath,
            branch: $branch,
            message: $message,
            actions: $actions
        }) {
            commit {
 payload = {
        "query": COMMIT_CREATE_MUTATION,
        "variables": {
            "projectPath": project_path,
            "branch": branch,
            "message": f"docs: upload {file_name}",
            "actions": [
                    "action": "CREATE",
                    "filePath": f"export/{file_name}",
                    "content": csv_stream

It works perfectly fine using the graphql-explorer (using my cookie) but not with my personal token.

Other GraphQL requests (e.g. fetching vulnerabilities via GraphQL query) work perfectly fine with that same personal token passed as Authorization header (bearer token).

The token has the following scopes: api, read_repository and write_repository.

I expect I should be able to upload a file as a commit with that token, but I get this error response:

'message': "The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have permission to perform this action",
 'locations': [{'line': 3, 'column': 7}], 
'path': ['commitCreate']

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create personal access token
  2. Submit commitCreate mutation via http request and try to upload a file

Expected: works
Result: error above

Checked docs - apparently no additional scopes necessary for GraphQL mutations.


Provide screenshots from the GitLab UI showing relevant configuration, if applicable.
On self-managed instances, add the relevant configuration settings or changes.


Please select whether options apply, and add the version information.


For further reference: token scope api is perfectly fine.
Issue was using a wrong (cached) token - this can be verified by checking the token usage in Gitlab web.