Trusted SSL throwing SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

I have installed Gitlab with trusted SSL certificates. I am able to access GitLab and could see SSL certificate is secure in browser. But coming to git cli, it is throwing me error

SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

Please do help me out on the following

This error occurs because your self-signed certificate is not getting verified.
You can use following command to make certificate verified using global option.
$ git config --global http.sslVerify false

Please let me know if you are still facing the issue.


Hello Manish,

Thanks for the response. As I mentioned above, I have configured trusted certificates provided by COMODO and those are not self-signed certificates, verified them in browser as well and I am using the correct domain name for accessing the repository. So there is something else which is causing the issue.

Hello @pdadi,
can you show me /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file please?

Resolved the issue by converting .crt files to .pem files and added intermediate certificates