Unable to pull LFS objects from S3 compatible storage (Cohesity)

We have configured Gitlab LFS to store on our S3 compatible storage platform,
uploading objects is working as expected. so access to the share seems to be working.

however when trying to pull from the repository i am getting an error to check permissions to the repository:

$ git lfs fetch origin master
fetch: Fetching reference refs/heads/master
LFS: Authorization error: https://XXXXXXXXXX/S3-GITLAB/20/9d/ad13a6b3ee6acd98fb7dccff64d715f91e71c6c0eadbfd93ffaa530d25c8?X-Amz-Expires=600&X-Amz-Date=20200911T070720Z&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=XXXXXX-5WqUtDpjBmhVUY%2F20200911%2Feu-west-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=XXXXXXXXX
Check that you have proper access to the repository
error: failed to fetch some objects from ‘https://XXXXXXXX.local/XXXXXXX/test.git/info/lfs

so i tried setting gitlab_rails[‘lfs_object_store_proxy_download’] = true
and got this error:

$ git lfs fetch origin master
fetch: Fetching reference refs/heads/master
LFS: Authorization error: https://XXXXXX.local/XXXXX/test.git/gitlab-lfs/objects/196f6f338e7e153f46204f6ec209f6aa8dc79ed05e75ab8ab5d74b6fd5db08cd
Check that you have proper access to the repository

we are running gitlab self-managed in docker with image: gitlab/gitlab-ce:13.3.1-ce.0

i would expect gitlab to download the objects with the same account as it uploads them,
downloading the files manually with the account configured in the gitlab.rb file is no problem

any ideas what i may be missing?


if i set the ACL on the S3 share to read-only for everyone i am able to pull down the files again through git. so i think when you pull the credentials in the gitlab.rb file are not the ones that are used.

does anybody have some more information about this?