Unable to pull python:3.10 image

Here is my configuration:
name: $CI_TEMPLATE_REGISTRY_HOST/security-products/gemnasium-python:4-python-3.10
it is pulling registry.gitlab.com/security-products/gemnasium-python:3
Is there anything I am missing?

  1. Can you share a screenshot of the error message/pull commands?
  2. Where does this error happen - self-managed or GitLab.com?
  3. Which runners are used?
  4. Which GitLab/Runner versions are involved?

I’m not able to reproduce it on GitLab.com SaaS in this MR Dep scan test (!26) · Merge requests · Michael Friedrich / ci-cd-playground · GitLab and pipeline output. gemnasium-python-dependency_scanning (#6495200124) · Jobs · Michael Friedrich / ci-cd-playground · GitLab

  - template: Jobs/Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml

    name: $CI_TEMPLATE_REGISTRY_HOST/security-products/gemnasium-python:4-python-3.10

Thanks for reply. Please inline comments with JNM: prefix.

  1. Can you share a screenshot of the error message/pull commands?

  2. Where does this error happen - self-managed or GitLab.com?
    JNM: It is not an error but registry.gitlab.com/security-products/gemnasium-python:3 is pulled instead of registry.gitlab.com//security-products/gemnasium-python:4-python-3.10
    It is self managed EE gitlab.

  3. Which runners are used?
    JNM: gitlab-runner 16.10.0 - docker executor

  4. Which GitLab/Runner versions are involved?
    JNM: gitlab-runner 16.10.0

I solved it by setting variable DS_MAJOR_VERSION: 4-python-3.10.
