Forked account A repo to B account and in A account repo is updated with some additional commits, B account repo need to update the new commits of A account repo. I am unable to find the options for the same.
Given repo is outdated and need to fetch the latest commits from the master repo but cant find the correct option to do that. Pls help.
I want to do this between two GitLab repo not from comand line.
In GitHub it’s called as Pull request where forked Repo’s lates changes can be compared and updated.
I have gone through the given document but couldn’t find a solution to my question!
Here is the image explaining the concern (apologies for poor drawing):
It’s the same process as described in the documentation that I linked, the only difference is that you want an MR that goes from the Master repo, to the Forked repo, rather than the other way around.
Being in the Account 2(forked repo) i want to create a MR such that I can pull the new commits of Account 1 repo (Master repo). Such feature is there in GitHub where u can create a MR which will pull the commits of Master Repo to Forked repo. i was unable to do it in GitLab…
GitLab view for the same situation.
Image 1 shows Source branch:- here to fetch the changes from Master Repo I need to be able to see that in this list. This part is not working for me.