Using web interface only, how to upload folders or directories - this feature seems not available

Upload folders or directories using web interface only

  • Described question : using gitlab accross web interface only, it is possible to upload files, to create folder. But it seems not possible to upload folders their content. Using “web IDE” feature, seems neither allow to upload folders and their content. So the question is: is there a way to upload folders using gitlab interface only ? And, optional: if not, is there a possibility to suggest this idea to the gitlab development teams ?

  • What I see
    The menu in project -> Repository -> Files -> [+] does not include “Upload directory” option.
    The menu in project -> Repository -> Files -> Web IDE -> does not include “Upload directory” option.

  • Screenshots

  • Gitlab Version
    I’m using and its current version.

Thank you for your help.

Hi @antc! It looks like the option to upload folders via the UI is a feature request. You should feel free to add this here, so that the right Product Managers can see the need for this! :blush:

Hello @Linds

Thank you for your return. I came to the same conclusion as you. That is why I’ve already opened a feature proposal issue numbered 228490 called " feature-proposal-upload-repository-using-web-interface-only" .

I don’t know if what I wrote on the issue description is well enough written. Nor if “Product Managers” can see the need for this … I hope so. I try to do my best for my first-time " feature proposal" …


Your feature proposal looks great @antc , thanks for contributing to GitLab!


I really hope this happens. Surprised it’s not part of the functionality already.

That is INSANE… What year is it? How in the world could the Devs of this product not see a use case for this? I am totally baffled by the lack of this functionality…

1 Like

@slee24 : Samantha, may I ask - is uploading a directory still not possible via the web frontend?

Cheers, Dominik

Looks like it is not possible yet. But no need for anyone to get angry or upset about it, it’s not possible on Github either.

Please also note, anyone who is coding a project concentrates on the most important features first. Opening an issue doesn’t necessarily mean it will get implemented. This is why it’s usually good for people to vote on the issue or post that they also want it so that Gitlab can see that a lot of people are interested in it. So far only 9 people did it on that issue that was raised ages ago. If more people would have given the thumbs up for that issue may have seen it integrated a lot quicker.

At the very moment, I am trying to do it via command line, following the following instructions:

Is this the mentioned “project’s homepage” - just asking as I do not find a " Push an existing folder"-anything there…?:

Thanks and Cheers,

Seems that said project path can be found by pressing the “clone” button.

thank you for the very useful and resourceful response Sherlock Holmes what other genius comment can you make to make you look like an even bigger ass hat than you already fucking are. learn to comment with something that is actually fucking constructive to the topic jackass

Hello @iwalker . Hummm … it seems Github already proposes this feature. See the point number 3 of the first section of “adding a file …” on Github documentation where Github documentation says :

“Drag and drop the file or folder you’d like to upload to your repository onto the file tree” (source Github documentation

It would be really great if one day this feature of uploading folders using web UI interface could exists on Gitlab too. Hope it will.

Just vote or like this topic or the uploading folder via web UI interface proposal feature issue N°228490, and wait quietly.

Ah yes, looks like it works now. Strange the web interface only says upload files though, with no reference to directories. But maybe Gitlab will also add it soon.

A solution is now to use the Web IDE where you can just drag the folders into the IDE.


Super cool ! Clap clap clap ! Youpi !
Any source of documentation to know more how to do that ?
I mean: opening Web IDE, and then drag and drop folders in the tree windows displaying on the left of windows seems working to add folders and their components, but, having done that, how to “commit” ? It sounds not so clear to me: I don’t see any thing which allow me to commit those adding folder via drag-and-drop process changes.

Hello, I just followed the Web IDE instructions and on a Mac and there is no way to drag a folder from finder into the IDE.

Can anyone confirm that this is viable?