Where is IDE extension for Emacs?

Hello, I discovered that GitLab have extension for VSCode, JetBrains, NeoVim, but no extension for Emacs.

I am Emacs user. Emacs have key bindings close to *nix console, Emacs have excellent single Elisp language for extensions.

Vim and Emacs are oldest IDEs in open source community (Emacs older). It is discrimination!

There should be full support for Emacs from Gitlab. Do you agree with that?

It probably doesn’t exist because:

  1. Nobody has asked for it.
  2. Not very many people are interested in it because they don’t use emacs.

Either way, if you want Emacs plugin support or whatever, you would be better to open an issue here so that the Devs can see how many people are interested, and then they can see that people want it and spend time developing something: Issues · GitLab.org / GitLab · GitLab

Until someone like you opens an issue, no such support will happen. The more people that vote on the issue to show interest means more chance of it being supported sometime in the future. Nobody has done that so far, so not surprising that it doesn’t exist.

Wider community members help maintain integrations, for example, for Emacs. From a quick search, I’ve found GitHub - isamert/lab.el: Emacs-GitLab integration or GitHub - magit/forge: Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit which look promising. I last used emacs in 2006, so I would encourage you to give it a try yourself.

For neovim, an example is GitHub - harrisoncramer/gitlab.nvim: Create, review, and manage Gitlab reources without leaving Neovim and vanilla vim has GitHub - shumphrey/fugitive-gitlab.vim: A vim extension to fugitive.vim for GitLab support

Note that the mentioned neovim and JetBrains plugins for GitLab are currently only available for GitLab Duo, and do not cover other GitLab features. The VS Code GitLab Workflow extension provides support for most GitLab features.