With LFTP How do I send a specific file to server overwriting if it exists?

Replace this template with your information

I run following Command through CI/pipeline

- lftp -e "open $FTP_HOST; user $FTP_USERNAME $FTP_PASSWORD; mirror -X .* -X .*/ --reverse --verbose --delete plugins/ /sham/sam-spanish-web-site_staging/wp-content/plugins; bye"

Here is my .gitlab-ci.yml

image: ubuntu:16.04

#Staging Server Implementation
  - staging

Build My App:
  stage: staging
      - dj-sam-spanish
   - lftp -e "open $FTP_HOST; user $FTP_USERNAME $FTP_PASSWORD; mirror -X .* -X .*/ --reverse --verbose --delete plugins/ /samson/srilanka-spanish-web-site_staging/wp-content/plugins; bye"

    - staging

So , I modified jetpack folder contents. then I run this code through CI/pipeline .

I don’t want to delete > Upload New File Process , I want overwrite option . how could i add for this ? Could you please help me to do this ?