Yesterday, Xcode could resolve a private Swift Package Manager (SPM) dependency hosted on our GitLab account. Today it can’t, complaining that “Authentication failed because the credentials were missing”.
I’ve never given Xcode my GitLab credentials or a PAT. I do have my GitLab private key added to the ssh agent on macOS, which ssh-add -l
confirms. Nothing has changed there, and this has worked across a few reboots since I set this machine up a month and a bit ago. This is the relevant part of my ~/.ssh/config
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_onbeams
This should be enough, yes?
The only thing that’s changed is I upgraded to macOS Big Sur 11.2.1 (from 11.2) this morning. Has anyone else noticed this has broken their SSH Agent and/or Xcode authenticating via it?