Is it a known issue how to fix error when trying to import project from gitlab export i get 404 Page Not Found error page? Can anyone point on solution please?
Did you try Google, as I found an issue relating to it pretty easily with “gitlab export import 404” as a search term: 404 when attempting to import a GitLab export file (#209220) · Issues · GitLab.org / GitLab · GitLab
What version of Gitlab are you using? If it’s not the latest, maybe think about upgrading.
Same error here, error 404. In our case we are using Gitlab SaaS.
The error is only when trying to “Gitlab export” on “Import project”.
UPDATE: A “way” we found to fix it is the following ( SaaS version ).
If you are importing a project inside a group, go to group page and copy the Group ID: XXXXXXXX.
After that, go again to “New project” > “Gitlab export” and raise the 404 error.
On the error page check the URL and set manually the Group ID into the url on the namespace_id. For example:
Go to this url with the changed namespace_id, load again and the page will be “fixed”. The import seems to be done without troubles.