Hi Team,
Requesting Support in adding a clickable hyperlink to source code in Web interface
Describe your question in as much detail as possible:
What are you seeing, and how does it differ from what you expect to see?
I want to add a hyperlink (any link to a web application) within my source code.
Later i want to click this link and open the web application from the gitlab web interface.
Current problem: The link is not clickable. Seen as a text. (The link is clickable only within the IDEs).
Expectation: I am able to click on the link from the source code within the gitlab web interface.
Tried to add the link in the below mark up format, does not work either: [Link Text] ( [https://example.com])
Additionally we could not find the option to enable mark up as prescribed here:
Admin Area → Settings → General → Markdown and checking the “Enable” box.
Thank you