Announcing GitLab's Q4 2021 Hackathon Winners

Moving forward, all the Hackathon-related announcements will be primarily posted in our forum. A place where anyone can comment, share thoughts, feedback and easily share on social media.

Another GitLab hackathon is completed, and I would like to begin by celebrating our community contributions! Congratulations to everyone who participated and contributed to GitLab.

This time, we had 244 submitted MRs, from 44 participants across 13 projects such as GitLab, Omnibus, GitLab Development Kit, CNG, Runner, and more. As of today, 171 MRs have been merged, which translates to 70% of the MRs submitted. The Hackathon’s Bitergia Dashboard has more information around the performance of the hackathon over the years.


Like past events, everyone who had MRs merged will receive a token of our appreciation for their contribution. This time, 36 contributors had their MRs merged. It is worth mentioning that out of 111 merged MRs, only 13 are not related to or closing an existing issue. That means that the majority of participants worked towards contributing to the issues highlighted on the Hackathon’s page.

Hackathon prizes

Following the point system that we introduced in the previous Hackathon, we calculated the points each contributor gathered based on whether their MRs were contributing towards the issues highlighted on the Hackathon’s page.

Please join me in congratulating all Hackathon contributors:

Name Points gathered Prize
Siddharth Asthana 200 Grand Prize
Kev 171 Grand Prize
Shreedhar Bhat 140 Grand Prize
Rishabh Gupta 35 Second Prize
Ben Bodenmiller 30 Second Prize
Avinash Upadhyaya 25 Second Prize
Abhijeet Chatterjee 20 Second Prize
orozot 20 Second Prize
Lee Tickett 15 Second Prize
Piotr Stankowski 15 Second Prize
Foxocube 10 Second Prize
Dmitrijs Finaskins 10 Second Prize
vincent stchu 10 Second Prize
Raimund Hook 8 Participation Prize
Dugtuff 6 Participation Prize
Abraham Francis 5 Participation Prize
Colin Barr 5 Participation Prize
Joseph Jose 5 Participation Prize
Kolja Lucht 5 Participation Prize
Manisha Singh 5 Participation Prize
Ruben Meza 5 Participation Prize
Rutvik Panchal 5 Participation Prize
Tarun Velli 5 Participation Prize
Stefan Schmalzhaf 5 Participation Prize
Martin Wortschack 5 Participation Prize
pataar 3 Participation Prize
Aditya Bhutani 1 Participation Prize
Azizur Rahman 1 Participation Prize
Shubham_DEV_coders 1 Participation Prize
Florian Greinacher 1 Participation Prize
Hank Jayden 1 Participation Prize
hms5232 1 Participation Prize
Jonston Chan 1 Participation Prize
Jurriaan Roelofs 1 Participation Prize
Mehul Sharma 1 Participation Prize
rdickenson 1 Participation Prize

The winners mentioned above will receive an email with a link to claim their prizes by the 5th of February.

The winners of the Grand Prize, other than the swag, will have the opportunity to meet Sid Sijbrandij, GitLab’s co-founder and CEO for an AMA (ask me anything) session.

When is the next Hackathon?

The next Hackathon will occur between the 22nd - 24th of February.

For this Hackathon, we are introducing the following contribution areas: Website, Security, Front-end, Back-end, Documentation.
Prizes will be awarded to participants for having Merge Requests (MRs) merged that contribute to the issues/epics linked below on each contribution area.

How do I get started with contributing?

An excellent place to start is the Contributing to GitLab page, where you can learn how you can contribute to GitLab code, documentation, translation, engagement, and UX design.

If you have any questions, you are always welcome to reach me at contributors AT gitlab DOT com.