Hello everyone!
The next GitLab hackathon occurs between the 22nd and 23rd of September . An important reminder that the start and end date of the Hackathon is based on your time zone.
In an effort of improving the contributor experience and the Hackathon, we are keeping the changes we introduced during the last time:
- Prizes will be decided based on a new point system that is focused on existing issues/bugs/features.
- The kick-off call will happen on Tuesday, September 21th, allowing time for participants to prepare themselves.
- The wrap-up call will happen on Friday, September 24th, and marks the end of the Hackathon.
- We won’t be holding any office hour calls, but we will be providing a-sync support through our Gitter channel.
- We are introducing new prizes.
You can find all the necessary details on the Hackathon’s page.
We are looking forward to seeing you all on September 21th at 12 pm UTC for our kick-off call.
Please keep an eye on this post for updates and news.
Happy contributing!