Hello, I just installed gitlab on my Synology in Docker with the image gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest.
The installation went fine and I can bring up the page. It is asking me for a userame/password to log in. All the guides I see out on the net show it should prompt me to set the root password… but it doesn’t. Is there a set default username/password on this image?
The attached image is what comes up right after installation. Thanks for any help!!
IIRC Synology ships its own outdated Docker container image for gitlab-ce. Can you share the steps on the terminal you used to run the container, specifically where the image is coming from?
How do you change the root password, i.e. the one in initial_root_password.
I assume I have to go via some docker command because I get
“gitlab-rake: command not found”
Login to the web interface on https port 443 using the url for your installation or even the Ip address. Your install might even be on just http port 80 as well depending on your external_url configured during installation.
The web interface will automatically ask you to change the password from the initial one.