Deleted account, can't reuse mail for a new

I have test gitlab and for it, I’ve done a new account.
Satisiedy by my test, I decided to delete this account and create a new one, a clean…

But… when I try to register again, gitlab consider that my mail is already used.

Is it a bug ? Or do I just need to wait that their server actualize ?
( maybe am I too impatient… :stuck_out_tongue: )

Thank you in advance :smiley:

ps : I have this error when I try to register :
“1 error prohibited this user from being saved:
Email has already been taken”

That sounds like a bug to me

When I try to connect with google, I have this :
“Your account has been blocked. Please contact your GitLab administrator if you think this is an error.”

Must I to write an issue on gitlab support tracker ?

EDIT : I contact the support and thez solved the issue

I have a very similar problem, I realized I had duplicated accounts, I deleted the one using my personal email (which was empty) in order to keep the one with my professional email (which had some activity) but when I try to add my personal email back to the “professional” account I’m blocked by " Email has already been taken". May I ask you how did you contact the support? I’m on a free plan… Do you know whether the email address will become available again after a set time period, maybe?