Export from Issue Board

Export from Boards

*How to export the Issue Board collection? I know that there is a possibility to create a filter, but, not able to download these issues to any format. A simple, CSV format would be meaningful

Hi @dskc_IRM

If you go to the issues list there is a download button which will give you a CSV file. I don’t think the button appears on the board view though.




Thank you for taking time to respond with your knowledge.

Below is the screen that i see for my board. I couldn’t find the download button in all possible locations. Please help me and point out the location to give keen attention

Yes, this is the issues board, you need the issues list. In the project menu, you want Issues → List and on that page there is a download button.


Thank you once again to be with me in this uncertainty. I couldn’t find that at the list of the issues as well. Below is the screenshot. Where do you think that download button would be?

This is using the public GitLab project as an example. This is the view of the issues that you need (the list):

And then this is the export button: