I use VScode for my work and use both Gitlab and GitHub but Gitlab asks me to sign in a lot.
I set Vscode auto fetch new commits from remove and it shows up a lot, never happens with GitHub
My environment:
Windows 10,11
WSL version:, Kernel version:
Git version Wsl: 2.42.0, Windows: git version 2.42.0.windows.2
Git credential-manager --version 2.3.2 installed with git for Windows above
My git config from wsl:
credential.helper=/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Git/mingw64/bin/git-credential-manager.exe
I tried a few advice from the internet: log in with email and password (usually I use Google account), then enable 2FA but nothing worked. I know that if I change credential.helper to “store” or use ssh will solve my problem with git access, but this seems to be an issue