GitLab CE 11.2.0 (6a123f6) - remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied

After upgrade to GitLab CE 11.2.0 (6a123f6), and using LDAP authentication, in the clients terminals show error message below:
$ git pull
remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied
fatal: Authentication failed for ‘http://git…’
Before the update was normal.
In the GitLab web interface authentication works with LDAP.
Would anyone have the solution?
But I believe it’s a bug in the released version.


We are also in the exact same situation - just updated to Gitlab CE 11.2.0, using LDAP authentication, and getting the same Access Denied error (although it only affected 3 of our users so far, not sure how many others have been affected).

Work around was to set their password manually in Gitlab as an administrator (it seems as though when logging in to the website, it is using the LDAP credentials, but for some users when authenticating with Git commands, it is using the account password stored in the Gitlab database instead of the LDAP authentication).

Seeing this on our internal Gitlab omnibus server, it updated to 11.2.0 last night and now http basic auth is failing for LDAP users when using git. We also did an attempt to switch to HTTPS yesterday and rolled that back, were thinking that might be the cause until we found this post (see Git over HTTP failing auth after rollback of HTTPS upgrade).

It looks like 11.2.1 has been released, just updated to it and I can push/clone over http again.

After upgrade for 11.2.1 (2d6c1c6), it’s ok authentication.

Same thing here

This is my first step on using Git/GitLab. I have just installed Git version 2.28.0 (Windows 10 64) and I can log in to the GitLab using a browser, but I get the
“remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied
fatal: Authentication failed for '
when I try to push via CLI.
Is there any workaround for that?
Thank you!