GitLab CE Helm Chart not config like what i want

My Configuration not working properly. I want to set my Postgresql’s PVC to 2Gi but Helm config it to the default value.

$ microk8s.helm3 install gitlab-ce gitlab/gitlab --set global.hosts.domain=demo.jesaya,global.hosts.externalIP=,global.edition=ce \
--set \
--set minio.persistence.size=5Gi \
--set prometheus.server.persistentVolume.size=2Gi \
--set redis.master.persistence.size=2Gi \
--set gitlab-runner.install=false \
--set gitlab.gitaly.persistence.size=5Gi \
--set postgresql.primary.master.persistence.size=2Gi,postgresql.primary.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds=600,postgresql.primary.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds=630 \
-n gitlab-ce
$ microk8s.kubectl get pvc
NAME                                  STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
gitlab-ce-minio                       Bound    pvc-81b221d4-7294-4cd5-b771-f21a7c03741c   5Gi        RWO            nfs0           12m
gitlab-ce-prometheus-server           Bound    pvc-ba159b8b-30f4-42b4-b27a-fdbe66eb678a   2Gi        RWO            nfs0           12m
redis-data-gitlab-ce-redis-master-0   Bound    pvc-6d1ed8ea-f502-4db9-84e7-40e3a083bbda   2Gi        RWO            nfs0           11m
repo-data-gitlab-ce-gitaly-0          Bound    pvc-f1da1672-5aa6-4563-a988-db38cdc38991   5Gi        RWO            nfs0           11m
data-gitlab-ce-postgresql-0           Bound    pvc-54095a82-ca79-4d75-badc-39778dc3bc90   8Gi        RWO            nfs0           11m

Why my Postgresql PVC doesn’t have a 2Gi size?