GitLab Packages index.yaml is empty, missing Helm Chart details


I am trying to store Helm Charts in the GitLab Package Registry. Once the Helm Charts are stored in the Package Registry, I want to publish them onto Artifact Hub, so they’re more discoverable by other people.

However, the index.yaml file is empty and therefore, Artifact Hub cannot find the packages (Helm Charts).

Here’s the packages: Package Registry · Trevor Sullivan / helm-pwsh-pode · GitLab
Here’s the index.yaml file:

I posted about this issue on the GitHub repository for Artifact Hub as well.

Question: How do I make sure that my Helm Charts, stored on GitLab Package Registry, are discoverable by Artifact Hub?

There’s no documentation from GitLab about how to publish Helm Charts and make them visible on Artifact Hub, so how do you accomplish this?

Here’s the only docs I could find on Helm Charts: Helm charts in the Package Registry | GitLab

I also faced this issue, no solution yet.

helm repo add --username deploy-token --password alphanum vlasov-pro

Error: looks like "" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: failed to fetch : 404 Not Found

I have couple charts in regestry and can see them through UI, but there is no helm index file at all.

I have switched to fresh repository, now it works, but I believe issues was in Deploy Token. It have to be granted not only Read Registry but also Read Packages permissions.

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