GitLab Pages access logs

I thought this would be a simple question, but it’s turned into a bit of a journey. :slight_smile:

Is there any way to access the Web server access logs for a site hosted on GitLab Pages? I mean a hosted site on * as opposed to something self-hosted.

I’m interested in aggregate information (most popular pages, each page’s last visit, etc.) and also specific info (individual page requests)…obviously with the latter I can derive the former myself if necessary.

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Any sort of access logs would be very helpful indeed.

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+1 to this.

Any form of simple reporting would be very useful to see if the pages are attracting any traffic.

Happened to be cruising past this issue again, hoping for some movement, and found this issue. Unfortunately, he issue is even older than this forum thread. :slight_smile: Still, might as well get the two linked up…can’t hurt, I suppose.

To anybody who finds this issue and thinks this is a good idea, feel free to drop by the issue and give it a thumbs-up. Don’t clutter the comments with “me-too” stuff though, please.

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