How do I see only merge requests that I am an approver on?

I searched Google and this forum and have found very little talking about approvers in Gitlab. Specifically, I’m simply trying to filter the list of merge requests to only show the ones that I am set as an approver on. There seems to be no way to do this, which really surprises me because it seems like something just about everyone would need and want. Any help would be great. My fear is that this is just not currently possible in Gitlab, so if that is true it would be helpful if someone could confirm that. Thanks.

Wow, this question has been sitting for a long time. I don’t know if this was possible back in 2017, but here’s the 2023 answer:

  1. Use the “Search or go to…” box on the sidebar to go to the project in question.
  2. Select “Code,” then “Merge Requests” in the sidebar.
  3. In the search bar at the top, use the following syntax:
    Reviewer = <your name>
  4. If you want to filter out the ones you’ve already approved, add:
    Approved-By != <your name>
  5. If you also want to filter out MRs that aren’t ready for review:
    Draft = No