Hello Everyone,
I am working on gitlab-salesforce integration pipeline. For now, I configured my gitlab-ci.yml file and it works fine for my master branch.
I am trying to put a condition - This pipeline should run only when new feature/test branch is pushed to repository.
I tried using rules but it gives me an error : * jobs only config should implement a script: or a trigger: keyword.
Below is my code and please suggest me the alternative.
rules :
stages :
- deploy
rules :
- if: ‘$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME = ~/^feature/*/’
- when: always
deploy to Salesforce:
stage: deploy
Install jq and node
- apt update && apt -y install jq
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y nodejs npm
- node --version
- npm --version
- npm -y install node-gyp
Setup SFDX environment variables
- export CLIURL=https://developer.salesforce.com/media/salesforce-cli/sfdx-linux-amd64.tar.xz
- export SF_DOMAIN_RETRY=300
- export TARGET_BRANCH=main
- export SOURCE_DIR=force-app
Install Salesforce CLI
- npm install --global sfdx-cli
- sfdx --version
- sfdx plugins --core
Install acu-pack
- echo “y” | sfdx plugins:install @salesforce/acu-pack
- sfdx acu-pack -h
Install Salesforce Code Analyzer
- echo “y” | sfdx plugins:install @salesforce/sfdx-scanner
- sfdx scanner -h
setup git user
- git config user.name “GitLab Actions Bot”
- git config user.email “<>”
Authenticate Org
- echo “Authenticating Dev org”
- echo “${JWT_KEY}” > server.key
- sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant --jwtkeyfile server.key --clientid “${SALESFORCE_CONSUMER_KEY}” --username “${SF_USERNAME}” --instanceurl “${SALESFORCE_ORG_URL}”
- echo “Authentication succeded”
Merge feature branch to target branch
- git checkout $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
- git fetch origin $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME
- git merge --no-ff origin/${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} -m “Merge ${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME} into ${TARGET_BRANCH}” --allow-unrelated-histories
Generate delta package
- git --no-pager diff HEAD^ --name-status --no-renames > git-diff.txt
- sfdx acu-pack:source:delta:git -g git-diff.txt -s “${SOURCE_DIR}” -d deploy
- echo “Listing components in deploy package…”
- find deploy -type f
code scan
- sfdx scanner:run --target deploy --category ‘Documentation’ --format csv --outfile code-scan-errors.csv
Deploy changes to org.
- sfdx force:source:deploy -p deploy -u “${SF_USERNAME}” -g --verbose