Images not visible after migration from 9.5.9 to 10.8.7


Migrating GitLab from 9.5.9 to 10.8.7.
Process run smoothly (no errors), but clicking on any image in legacy issues (created before migration) causes 404 error.

The problem can be reproduced accessing any url in this format
where xxx and yy are the group and project name

No problem with images added after the migration are visible.
I see there is a difference in the folder name lenght (the bold part in the url above, in the new versions is 32 chars).

Is this a bug or should I simply configure something in nginx or gitlab.rb to allow or remap the uploads url?

Massimo La Spina

When I take a look to the filesystem, on the machine on which the GitLab instance is installed, i see that both old and new paths are under the same root

Copying a file from an old path (with short id) to a new one (with long id), makes the file visible from the web.
Moreover, if I create a new directory under the path specified above, using a random 32-char name and I put some files under it, they are accessible from the web browser.

My guess is that the paths are not remapped correctly, there could be some rule based on lenght, but I couldn’t find anything in nginx configuration.

Could you please shed some light?

retried following the version shown here

retried the upgrade as descibed here

9.5.9 → 10.0.0 OK
10.0.0 → 10.8.7 NOT OK (images not visible)

retried the upgrade as descibed here

9.5.9 -> 10.0.0 OK
10.0.0 -> 10.8.7 NOT OK (images not visible)