Hi, I am a student and I am learning about gitlab, currently I am doing my professional practices and they assigned me an email account of the company where I work. I linked my business email account to my personal gitlab, however, at the company they asked me to create a new gitlab account to manage the repositories of the project I work on, but the problem is now how to connect my email account business to my personal gitlab account, I can’t delete that business email and I need to create a new gitlab account with that email assigned to me.
Is there a way to remove my business email account from my personal gitlab account, so that I can create a new account with the business email account?
Hey @PepeWoW! Cool to hear you’re learning about GitLab!
I did a quick search through our forum and found this thread that has resources about adding a secondary email/updating your account email. Can you check it out and let me know if it answers your question?