Kroki and PlantUML with local install does not render image

Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
I’m trying to install Kroki (or PlantUML) locallly on another server than Gitlab itself.
PlantUML and Kroki are installed with docker.

The weird thing is that Gitlab does not display the rendered image just the “image missing” icon, but the url is correct. If I click the link, I get the diagram in a new tab.
But it is not displayed embedded.

So, I have this view:

But if I click the broken image icon, I get a new tab with the correct diagram:

If I change the Kroki config to point at the image is displayed embedded.
The same happens for pure PlantUML integrations.

Any suggestions on how to get this displayed inline?


I am seeing the same broken image when previewing or rendering the page. For me it happens with my local instance of Kroki on a different server from my Gitlab, and with . Any idea what is going on? In the source for the page the URL for the img tag is correct and renders properly, although it is actually SVG, not PNG.


Well, that is interesting. It renders in Firefox. I was using Chrome previously. Not sure why that would be…

Hello, I have similar problem. Plantuml pictures in gitlab wiki reinder in firefox but in chrome not. I don´t know how it is possible… Did you solved this?

Here is the answer: Kroki integration in GitLab not rendering in Chrome · Issue #809 · yuzutech/kroki · GitHub
It’s because Chrome/Brave by default doesn’t allow embed “http” images in sites with “https”. You need to change this setting. In Chrome go in the site settings: chrome://settings/content/siteDetails?site=https://gitlab-url/ , and change “Insecure content” to “allow”.
Or add SSL settings to your Kroki installation, as it mentioned here: kroki/configuration.adoc at main · yuzutech/kroki · GitHub