New cost factor 0.008 for public SaaS projects (2022-06)

All public repository has cost factor 0.008 in CI minutes on SaaS (

The cost factor for a job running on a shared runner was changed.


GitLab SaaS public projects created before 2021-07-17.


Changed from 0 to 0.008.

  • 0.008 for all public projects on GitLab SaaS (For every 125 minutes of job time, you accrue 1 CI/CD minute.)

    • (For every 125 minutes of job time, you accrue 1 CI/CD minute.)



Contributions are welcome. Everyone can contribute.

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Thanks for the update @tnir ! :bowing_man:

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Suggest following these resources for updates and feedback.


Thanks @dnsmichi, but could you elaborate which part of these links are directly relevant to this topic? Looks irrelevant to this to me at glance :pray: