Gitlab pages with ce version and custom domain tls

Hello all,

i have a little trouble with gitlab pages.

It will not realy works. I use the gitlab ce omnibus installation on ubuntu 16.04 LTS with the latest gitlab version.
I use a wildcard ssl certi for my normal git domain.
this works all fine.
some users have now requestet for using gitlab pages.

i orderd a new domain and a secondary ip for the new domain.

My gitlab.rb i have add following entry

pages_external_url ""
nginx['listen_addresses'] = ['']
pages_nginx['enable'] = false
gitlab_pages['cert'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/"
gitlab_pages['cert_key'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/"
gitlab_pages['external_http'] = ['', '[2001::2]:80']

when i do this, gitlab pages are down.

i tried the minimal setup

pages_external_url ''

the video tutorial is a little bit confused, it will not work 

In the Admin Dasboard i have an entry with gitlab pages an the button is green, when i use the minimal setup. Klick in to gitlab pages i see my domain name ip and port 443. 


On my Test Projekt i see following 

Support for domains and certificates is disabled. Ask your system's administrator to enable it. 


How can i enable it for projects?

under Admin => Settings = >Preferences => Pages i have following options.


What´s wrong with my config? I missed something in the manual?
i am a little bit confused about gitlab pages.
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