Snippet URL not found in web hook sent when commenting on a snippet

I looked at the webhooks sent when commenting on issues, merge requests, commits, and snippets. I noticed that the webhook received when commenting on a snippet did not include a field that would precisely tell the URL of that snippet.

I was expecting the URL to be at payload["snippet"]["url"] as is the case for others. For eg. the merge request URL can be found at payload["merge_request"]["url"]. I wonder is there any specific reason why is that the case.

Sample webhook sent by GitLab when commenting on a snippet
  "object_kind": "note",
  "event_type": "note",
  "user": {
    "id": 14613894,
    "name": "Satyam Bansal",
    "username": "sbansal1999",
    "avatar_url": "",
    "email": "[REDACTED]"
  "project_id": 46186758,
  "project": {
    "id": 46186758,
    "name": "testing-zulip-gitlab-integration",
    "description": null,
    "web_url": "",
    "avatar_url": null,
    "git_ssh_url": "",
    "git_http_url": "",
    "namespace": "Satyam Bansal",
    "visibility_level": 0,
    "path_with_namespace": "sbansal1999/testing-zulip-gitlab-integration",
    "default_branch": "main",
    "ci_config_path": "",
    "homepage": "",
    "url": "",
    "ssh_url": "",
    "http_url": ""
  "object_attributes": {
    "attachment": null,
    "author_id": 14613894,
    "change_position": null,
    "commit_id": null,
    "created_at": "2023-05-25 19:15:26 UTC",
    "discussion_id": "9577cb83fc7048c31ec83a81ec6095336f22f171",
    "id": 1406351622,
    "line_code": null,
    "note": "Why there are so many new new features?",
    "noteable_id": 2547713,
    "noteable_type": "Snippet",
    "original_position": null,
    "position": null,
    "project_id": 46186758,
    "resolved_at": null,
    "resolved_by_id": null,
    "resolved_by_push": null,
    "st_diff": null,
    "system": false,
    "type": null,
    "updated_at": "2023-05-25 19:15:26 UTC",
    "updated_by_id": null,
    "description": "Why there are so many new new features?",
    "url": ""
  "repository": {
    "name": "testing-zulip-gitlab-integration",
    "url": "",
    "description": null,
    "homepage": ""
  "snippet": {
    "id": 2547713,
    "title": "a very new new feature",
    "content": "a very new new feature\na very new new feature\na very new new feature\na very new new feature\na very new new feature",
    "author_id": 14613894,
    "project_id": 46186758,
    "created_at": "2023-05-25 19:13:05 UTC",
    "updated_at": "2023-05-25 19:15:26 UTC",
    "file_name": "",
    "type": "ProjectSnippet",
    "visibility_level": 0,
    "description": "",
    "encrypted_secret_token": null,
    "encrypted_secret_token_iv": null,
    "secret": false,
    "repository_read_only": false,
    "secret_token": null