[SOLVED] Find the GitLab Pages url on the UI

Can I see my gitlab Pages url somewhere in the UI? Just like githib does.

Otherwise, is there an easy way to find the gilab pages url?

Or is it the only way to know where you site is begin published to read this documentation?


It woulf me much more user friendly to provide a link somewhere in the settings UI

Thank a lot

Sorry, it was so obvious, it is in the Settings -> Pages section !!!

To me, this is definitely not obvious at all. Does it also mean that people who don’t have access to the Settings area don’t get a link of any kind?


Hi everyone,
The solution is no longer true. Gitlab team updated the location of Pages. It is now in Deploy>Pages.
I was able to setup my pipeline to deploy but the url is still incorrect.

I tried to follow the instructions to setup the Pages and the urls format still doesn’t work resulting in 404 error. I updated my permissions for my static website page to be public for a project-slug view and still 404 error. I created a public dir with index.html to test public deployment.

Has anyone else experience this issue with the new development of Deploy > Pages?


  • Under your username, john, you created a project called john.gitlab.io. Your project URL is https://gitlab.com/john/john.gitlab.io. Once you enable GitLab Pages for your project, your website is published under https://john.gitlab.io.
  • Under your group websites, you created a project called websites.gitlab.io. Your project’s URL is https://gitlab.com/websites/websites.gitlab.io. Once you enable GitLab Pages for your project, your website is published under https://websites.gitlab.io.

General example:

  • On GitLab.com, a project site is always available under https://namespace.gitlab.io/project-slug
    [project-slug this part is not working for me. ]

  • On GitLab.com, a user or group website is available under https://namespace.gitlab.io/

  • On your GitLab instance, replace gitlab.io above with your Pages server domain. Ask your sysadmin for this information.

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