Spring boot deployment on Heroku help


as part of my ci/cd i want to deploy artifact after build stage which its only 1 jar to Heroku,

using on deploy stage
dpl --provider=heroku --app=xxxx --api-key=$HEROKU_API_KEY

what happened is that instead of deploying the jar its cloning the repo and triggering clean install

-----> Java app detected
-----> Installing JDK 11… done
-----> Executing: ./mvnw -DskipTests clean dependency:list install

so how i can control it? i want only to deploy the jar from build stage to heroku , or at lease control it not to trigger clean install to tigger package spring-boot:repackage for spring.

hi , have you got solution

Hi @pravallikac123! Since the original post is over a year old, I encourage you to let us know what you are seeing and how that differs from what you expect to see! That way our experts here at GitLab can also help get you the solution you seek. :blush: Thanks!