Web IDE is not working and only give error message
Problem description:
What I am seeing= After clicking on the Web IDE button in any of my project repos i get a screen that say “Branch master was not found in the is project’s repository” and how does it differ from what you expect to see?
What I expect to see? = i expect the Web IDE to start up and show me the code/files
*Here is a screenshot of the repo readme before i click on the Wed IDE button =
* -
Here is a screenshot of the issue after i click on the Wed IDE button = ,
*What version are you on = 12.8.6-ee ? and my gitlab is self managed and is located as a relative path domain/gitlab *
What troubleshooting steps have you already taken? = i have viewed the developer tools and found that when i click on the Web IDE button a A 404 will be raised when calling the
, i also tried adding accept encoding to my nginx proxy but that didnt work?