When I search I can only find a user named “Admin Area”.
This repository was created by me and I am the administrator because no other user has access to it (maybe).
However, I cannot find the admin area.
If you have the url for it, please let me know.
Click “Search or go to…” in the popup window you will see the option for “Admin Area” If this is your own installation of Gitlab, you need admin privileges to see this. If this is gitlab.com then you will never see the Admin Area. Only Gitlab staff see this.
Also note, being an Owner of a repository, doesn’t make you an Admin of the Gitlab installation.
It’s very clear. Gitlab.com is a service like Github and other cloud service providers. You don’t have admin access on either of them because it’s not your server and it doesn’t belong to you. You are just a user of Gitlab.com and nothing more. You manage your own projects/repositories and that is all. If you want to be an Admin with full control, create your own Gitlab server