"Could not authenticate you from GoogleOauth2 because “Csrf detected”

Does anyone know how to solve this issue ?
I cant re-confirm my Gmail email address because of CSRF… ? o.0

Epic fail from Gitlab…

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Tying up more loose ends since you posted a bunch of new topics about this issue, please check your DMs for a message from me.

I am troubled in the same issue. And my OAuth2 Provider is my company’s SSO. I doubt that if SSO’s API is not conform to Gitlab Generic OAuth2 API.

Have you solve this problem?
I hope we can communicate with this.

I just experienced the same issue (same error message) and all I had to do was to have another attempt with the same login method (Google for Work) and enter only my Gitlab MFA token. That was all that was required and probably what the error message is trying to tell you from the point of view of the respective system. So I’d say that’s just a small hiccup and minor annoyance in an otherwise very complex process.

I’m leaving this note here because this is the top search result but the solution is not clear.

At the moment I have no clue how and where to address this properly to get it resolved. If it’s reproducible and not just my rare edge case I will do… but you know life is busy.

Note: I went through more than three forms / screens with passwords, requests for fingerprint scans, touching hardware tokens and entering six digit OTP token. I'm not complaining, it's meant as a hint to a potential reader: yes you are on the right path, you wanted things secured as much as possible. :slight_smile: