Email notifications on new issues not working

Hi everyone!

I’m having an issue with GitLab issues. I integrated AlertManager with Gitlab to create new issues on Prometheus alerts and that works well.

I subscribed to the GitLab project where the issues are being created for everything related to issues (New issue, Reopen issue, Close issue, Reassign issue, Issue due) and I get email notifications but ONLY on issue close (Prometheus sends the alert on resolved as well).
As this is our rudimentary monitoring system, you can understand why it’s not satisfactory.

I also tried setting the notifications to “Watch” but still the issue open doesn’t appear.

So in short I only get the “Issue was closed by GitLab Alert Bot” on email notifications but not on open. And it’s the open that I’m interested in.
I tried to check the pipeline Prometheus - Alertmanager - Platypus - mail server but obviously it works as I get the issue closed alerts.

Did you experience similar problems?