@levarberry Exactly same situation here. We are a small business (6 employees) but we address a great number of clients for many little projects. So like you we have many guest user (7 + 22).
We simply can’t afford a 19€ per seat/per month with this model…
As CTO I really advocate for Gitlab for a long time but I can’t continue to follow them on this…
It’s not even this change which bothers me, it’s more the lack of alternative pricing because :
- We were genuinely ready to pay because their service is really good and really a time saver.
- Next to that CI/CD pricing is really fair, it’s again a time saver with their paid servers and offer alternatives, really a good model.
But :
- We have many customers on our group that come once in a while → We need to pay for all of them even if they do one issue per month (and no, make them paid for their account is not acceptable)
- We instantly go from 0$ to more than 500$ per month, our financial margin is extremely low, we are not a VC Startup or a Big Player, we can’t afford this raise !
- We are not really interested in Premium features so we will only pay for the seats…
- You removed Bronze tiers a while ago so we really don’t have an alternative…
- We need SaaS so no, being self-managed is not an option.
That’s just sad for our type of business which I think were a Core of your success…