Gitlab Pages doens't work after update

Hi all,

After the last update gitlab pages seems not working and in logs I’ve saw the error below :

{“correlation_id”:“01FAZ5CEMKF1NM6SJTM2HNSZ2K”,“error”:“Get “https://gitlab.xxxx/api/v4/internal/pages?host=wk.pages.xxxxxxx”: dial tcp: lookup gitlab.xxxxxx on [::1]:53: dial udp [::1]:53: connect: cannot assign requested address”,“host”:“wk.pages.xxxxx”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“could not fetch domain information from a source”,“path”:"/favicon.ico",“time”:“2021-07-19T10:36:00Z”}

Any suggestions ? Can you help me?


Are you using docker by any chance? If so, maybe this post will help: Gitlab-ce docker: gitlab pages fails after upgrade to 14.0 - #3 by jmartinez