Group Deploy Token Error: Scopes can't be blank


I’m trying to set up a group deploy token in the group → repository settings with write access.

The problem is that after I select for example write_registry and click create deploy token, I just get an error Scopes can’t be blank.

Here is an image of the UI after I pressed create deploy token.

If I select both write_registry and read_registry, the token is created successfully, but the deploy token list shows the scope of the new token to be only read_registry.

Am I missing something?
Is this a bug?
Do I need premium for this feature?

Looks like someone reported a bug with a similar issue with scopes yesterday: Cannot create a deploy token on repository : "Scopes can't be blank" (#378244) · Issues · / GitLab · GitLab. I would recommend sharing your experience on the issue.

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